Kontrastid, ContrastsMarch 3rd, 2007 by Remo Savisaar | Filed under Uncategorized . |
Kontrastid, ContrastsMarch 3rd, 2007 by Remo Savisaar | Filed under Uncategorized .4 Responses to “Kontrastid, Contrasts”Leave a Reply |
AutorRemo Savisaar on sündinud 1978. aastal Tartus. Loodus on teda köitnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Loodusfotograafiaga on Remo tegelenud viimased 19 aastat. Tema töid on pärjatud mitmesuguste auhindadega ja need on leidnud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Remo pildipäevik blog.moment.ee tunnistati 2006. aasta loomafotode kategoorias maailma parimaks (Photobloggies 2006 Awards). Loe edasi » |
Arhiiv |
Hi ! I really like this one ! It’s far more difficult to take a picture of a wild animal in its natural habitat than simply photographying a wild animal. So this picture is obviously very good !
Hästi ilusad värvid ja imekena öökull.
Spectacular. Here is the eerie beauty of the great northern forests.>>I’m sorry I cannot read your language, but I enjoy your blog very much.
I really hope you get paid good money to do this..