Lehed, Leaves

November 3rd, 2010 by Remo Savisaar | Filed under Close-up / Lähivõtted .

Lehed, Leaves, sügis
Veel leidub puid, kes ehivad end lehtedega. Varsti aga … on lehed läinud ja okstel laiutab lumi :)

8 Responses to “Lehed, Leaves”

  1. Mikk says:

    Like vaooo!
    Tekib vaid küsimus kuidas need sillerdavad 8-nurgad siia komplekteeritud said? :)

  2. tren says:


  3. Anna says:

    Tegemist on vis peegeldusega lombist?

  4. Katariina says:


  5. Vaido says:

    Oi-oi, vaat see on teistmoodi sügispilt :)

  6. Urmet says:

    Ohh kui kaunis tulemus!!!

  7. Mul on hea meel, et see teile meeldib :)

    Anna ütles ära ning pilt on tehtud välguta.
    8-nurgad on heledamad, fookusest väljas olevad alad lombis.

  8. Hedy Pardey says:

    Your work is stunning. So different to our Australian landscape. (I am first generation Australian (Estonian parents). We do not differentiate much between the seasons and have the strong contrasts that you have in nature. Have you a site on Facebook, so you may share your work even further? We have drought and dry times, and wet (especially the North) which brings a flush of growth and migrating birds (Kakadu N.P. in the Northern Territory.) A small area of the country receives snow (Snowy Mtns Vic/NSW border) and Tasmania. There is some beautiful photography of Tasmania, wilderness country. At the moment Lake Eyre is filled with water (fairly unusual, as it is predominantly a dry lake. There is much bird and animal (frogs) life there at present.Quite difficult to drive to as the few roads leading there are closed. Tourists who can afford it, fly in light planes.

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Telli foto


Remo SavisaarRemo Savisaar on sündinud 1978. aastal Tartus. Loodus on teda köitnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Loodusfotograafiaga on Remo tegelenud viimased 19 aastat. Tema töid on pärjatud mitmesuguste auhindadega ja need on leidnud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Remo pildipäevik blog.moment.ee tunnistati 2006. aasta loomafotode kategoorias maailma parimaks (Photobloggies 2006 Awards). Loe edasi »
