Vaadet nautimas, Enjoying the view

July 29th, 2013 by Remo Savisaar | Filed under Landscapes / Loodusvaated .

Vaadet nautimas, Enjoying the view, khibin island, Lake baikal, Väike meri, Small Sea, Maloye Morye Strait, Малое море, Siberia, Russia Remo Savisaar nature wildlife photography photo blog loodusfotod loodusfoto looduspilt looduspildid
Autoportree, Self-portrait @ Khibin island, Väike meri, Small Sea, Maloye Morye Strait, Малое море.
Baikal lake, Siberia, Russia.

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4 Responses to “Vaadet nautimas, Enjoying the view”

  1. Harcourt Béatrice says:

    c’ est super-magnifique , but who took the picture, then ? ;-)

  2. I did ;) After pressing the shutter I had 10 seconds to get in the place! You should have seen me running and jumping over the stones to get there in time! ;)

  3. Harcourt Béatrice says:

    Oh yes, oh yes I imagine, you could have break a leg there, but it’s really good, try again, and it’s fun too !

  4. Triin says:

    Alles inimene annab sellele maastikule mõõtkava. Vahel tasub ikka ise ka pildile minna :D

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Telli foto


Remo SavisaarRemo Savisaar on sündinud 1978. aastal Tartus. Loodus on teda köitnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Loodusfotograafiaga on Remo tegelenud viimased 19 aastat. Tema töid on pärjatud mitmesuguste auhindadega ja need on leidnud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Remo pildipäevik tunnistati 2006. aasta loomafotode kategoorias maailma parimaks (Photobloggies 2006 Awards). Loe edasi »
