Pikkjalg – Naaskelnokk, Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta

July 15th, 2011 by Remo Savisaar | Filed under Birds / Linnud .

Pikkjalg - Naaskelnokk, Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta
Üks põnev ja hariv lugemine naaskelnokkade kohta —> siin.

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2 Responses to “Pikkjalg – Naaskelnokk, Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta”

  1. Nadege says:

    Remo, just a question. I have a list of my favorite blogs (yes yours is one of them). Most people post everyday, or once a week… I was wondering if you take a trip, take pictures, then post them one by one during the next few weeks or months. Or do you live in the countryside and post everyday the pictures you took the day before or that same day?

  2. If I take a trip, then I usually prepare pictures before at home for every day I will be away and add them to queue. They will appear to blog “post per day”, w/o me being around. For example, before going to Iceland, I chose 13 pictures which covered 2,5weeks.
    When I have internet connection, I could upload fresh pictures also being on the move myself, but I don’t trust laptop screen – so all preparation I do will be done at home office with calibrated, professional IPS panel monitor. Every picture you see in my blog has at least two versions: 1. web (as you see here) and 2. full.res.-tiff, ready for high quality print.
    So when order comes (and I happen to be away from home), I or my dear wife can upload picture(s) asap,
    w/o worring that I have to prepare it/them for print. Makes huge difference, when 20 pictures are required as quick as possible.

    When I’m not away from home, I try to keep my blog as fresh as possible. Sometimes even adding a picture,
    which I have made the same day(read: morning).

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Telli foto


Remo SavisaarRemo Savisaar on sündinud 1978. aastal Tartus. Loodus on teda köitnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Loodusfotograafiaga on Remo tegelenud viimased 19 aastat. Tema töid on pärjatud mitmesuguste auhindadega ja need on leidnud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Remo pildipäevik blog.moment.ee tunnistati 2006. aasta loomafotode kategoorias maailma parimaks (Photobloggies 2006 Awards). Loe edasi »
